Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More. . . .

If you get the chance to ride any of these, be prepared for it to take you longer than you think but be prepared for a great ride. We rode through SFO re-connedcted with CA1 and 101 and rode across the Golden Gate bridge and then on to the Samuel Taylor State Park for our first night of camping!!

We managed to set up the tent without any trouble and before it got dark. However, - if you are the boy-child >>Adam or Moose<< who knew that the air mattress did not any longer hold air and did not inform me or did not throw it out and let us take it on vacation -- we will talk when I get home!! So other than sleeeping directly on the ground and finding the lovely rock under my hip we had no adventures camping. Just not a lot of sleep.

Yesterday we came up CA1 and stopped at Leggett where the highway ends. Too bad cause it was a great ride,.

And we camped again.

Today we rode the road of the giants. Those trees are very tall. We wondered around while we were there and found a river and lots of trees.

Then we rode CA211 which was, for a paved road, But it was the worst paved road I've ever been on. There were patches on the patches on the patches and it was the bumpiest! There were great switchbacks and over hills and through valley's and along the ocean. Really except for the road condition, it was all you could ask for out of a road. Then back through the Redwoods and here we are at our campground. Camping day #3!!

We miss you all and you should be very jealous!!


Anonymous said...

moose popped the air matress. moose also drank all the milk again. stupid moose... its a good thing I named him that cause he eats like a moose. Adam keeps forgetting to give odie more food in the afternoon. Therefore... Odie is on a diet. And is still crazed. DID YOU BUY ME A SHINY YET???

Peggy said...

No shiny's but we did buy you something else.

Buy more milk.

Feed Odie